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Code Monkey Page 5
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Page 5
“I…” He seemed to have trouble articulating words. “I…run my own computer software company. It’s totally different from my work stuff.”
Not from what Bob said. “Oh?”
“Yeah. I design all the code and I’ve been working on some gaming software. A new platform.”
Gaming software? Figured. What a thing to do with his spare time. “Is that going well?” Their definitions of well would be different. She didn’t play around with games, she went to school.
He shrugged again. “Sort of.”
Yeah, that was what she’d thought. He was playing games. No ambition. That had to make him less shiny in her eyes. She wanted to go somewhere. Be someone. She wanted to be as far away from her mother as possible. She had no time for games. Or gamers for that matter. No matter how nice they seemed or how cute they were. “Interesting.”
“What about you? Your classes? How are those going?”
She gritted her teeth in a minor frustration. She didn’t want to lose the moment but didn’t see how she could turn this back to him without being suspicious. “Boring. I don’t think you’d find economic theory interesting.”
He nodded. “Eeehhhh. Maybe not. But you do?”
“Yes. Yes, I do. It’s amazing what you can do with theories on supply and demand and laws of…” She lowered her head before meeting his gaze. “Sorry. I get carried away.” She’d never had anyone to talk this over with.
“No. It’s as exiting to you as binary code is to me. I understand. Don’t be sorry about sharing.” He took a sip of drink. “Do you have family around? I know you saw my mom and dad when they had lunch with me that time, but I never see you going out to lunch.”
She put her arms over her chest. “There’s just my mother.” Her lips closed together. She wasn’t talking about her. Ever. “Tell me more about what you do when you aren’t doing code.” Tell me about stealing secrets. “Or do you go into the office every weekend? Over night?” When did he steal the secrets from the office?
“I’m…well, not that dedicated to work at Cybernetics. I work a lot on my own software after hours. And on weekends.” His grin seemed to grow, eating up his face like a Pac-Man. “Of course I like to play computer games. That’s where I get some of my ideas.”
“I’m sure.”
“I also bike.”
She didn’t think she’d heard right. “Bike?”
He nodded.
“As in a bicycle?”
He tilted his head to the side. “Uh yeah.”
Well that had made her sound like an idiot. “I never pictured you as someone who would bike a lot.” That explained why he was in great shape. He didn’t spend all his time in front of a keyboard.
“Joel’s hobby. He got me into it. It’s great exercise. And it’s a great way to think things through.”
She bet it was. Good way to work off all the soda calories. “You work alone a lot, don’t you? You must have a lot of access to things.” To secrets and who knew what else. He’d known how long she’d worked there for one thing.
“I don’t work on a team, no. I prefer to work alone. What I do, the coding for the software, isn’t something that could be a team effort.”
“Like the Lone Coder, huh?” She giggled a little but then said, “I know. Stupid joke.” She hadn’t been able to resist making it.
He chuckled. “I like it.”
“You must have access to a lot of different areas. I bet you see a lot of programs come across the screen. Lots of ideas there, too, huh?”
The waitress dropped off their food.
He shook his head. “Not really. My company is something totally different. Besides, borrowing from Cybernetics would be stealing.”
Yeah, his company would be…wait a minute. She shifted her gears to listen to what he’d said. “Stealing?” That was what she was investigating him on. She took a bite of chicken and pasta and chewed on that, as well as what he’d said.
He nodded. “Yeah. Just like downloading games or music. There’s copyright issues. Books too.”
“So you don’t download any games unless you buy them?” She saw things that way but was surprised to hear such an avid computer person and gamer talking the same way.
“Pretty much. It’d be like walking out of here without paying for the meal. And…I mean, my software, I need people to buy it to make a living. I can give away demos but unless I make something, I can’t develop anything else.”
She stabbed at her chicken. “You’ve got a point.” A point that someone who was stealing…wouldn’t make, would they? Unless they were trying to throw people off the trail. But as far as she knew, he didn’t know anyone was on his trail. This was not going the way she’d expected, gosh darn it. How could that be?
* * * *
Baxter tried not to stare at the gorgeous creature walking by his side into La Casa. He did find a spring in his step and had drawn himself up to his full height. He wasn’t that short for a geek, just was shorter than Joel, which was one of his only comparison friends.
But with the beauty by his side, he felt like he was ten feet tall. Maybe even eleven. He had to keep glancing down at her to make sure she was still there and wasn’t some hologram that wasn’t real.
Getting to know her? Bonus points. He was finding that he liked her even more than he’d thought he would. She listened to him and seemed interested in what he had to say. She had a humor that he enjoyed and was self-deprecating and witty. He had enjoyed himself immensely at dinner. His cock stayed stiff and he was starting to wonder how long a man could maintain an erection without getting sore. Or hurting himself.
He watched as Anna Marie took in the pictures hanging on the wall and all the geeks out in mass taking in the show. Gayton had invited everyone from their gaming group that lived in the area.
Anna Marie stopped in front of a picture of a deserted beach with waves rolling in. “Wow. That’s really good.” She seemed surprised.
“He is good.” Baxter made a note of the picture and the cost. Who knew? He might need it down the road.
“Poe?” A voice behind them made him turn. “I know that’s not your full gamer name or your real one, but I recognize you from the last con. I’m glad you made it.”
“Hey Gayton.” He shook the shorter man’s hand. “These are great. This is Anna Marie.” He motioned towards the woman at his side. At his side. Boy that made tingling happen all over his body.
Gayton picked up Anna Marie’s hand and kissed it. “Enchanted to meet you. Any friend of Poe’s is a friend of mine.” He moved on to greet other guests.
“Poe?” She turned a questioning gaze his way.
Baxter pretended to be engrossed in the next picture for a second. “We have gamer handles on X-box Live. Mine has the name Poe in it.”
“Like Edgar Allen?” She stepped ahead to a smaller picture of a graffiti wall.
“No. Although I do like him.” He stepped around her. “There was a singer a few years back. Her name was Poe, she sang alternative music. I was a fan.” He’d gone to see her in concert a few times and still followed her.
“Ah.” She tilted her head, looking at a portrait of a woman. “Your friend is really good. I’m not surprised La Casa booked him.”
“Yep, he is.” She seemed very surprised to note this. He wasn’t sure why.
“He must not play games a whole lot.”
Baxter snorted. “He’s on almost every weekend. He games more than I do, believe it or not. And he works a part time day job as a waiter or something.”
Her mouth crinkled up but she didn’t comment.
They came to a picture that Baxter had noticed from a distance but hadn’t realized what it was. As he did, he started laughing.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He toned down his chuckles. “That’s the realm of Halo 2 giving way to Halo 3.” It wouldn’t mean anything to anyone not involved in the gaming community. He flipped a card to see how much the painting was bu
t it wasn’t for sale.
“Hey Bax. I wondered when you’d get here.” Joel slipped up behind them, Sam’s hand in his. “Hey Anna Marie. You do have legs.”
Her eyes did a slow blink as Sam elbowed him in the side. “Oh, because I’m usually sitting when you see me. Hi Joel.” Her gaze swept to Sam.
Baxter hurriedly offered an introduction. “Sam, this is Anna Marie. She works where Joel and I do…”
Sam offered her hand to a gaping Anna Marie, who shook it. “I sort of figured that out. As much as you talk about her…” Now Joel put his elbow into her side as she broke off. “I mean… Well, Anna Marie. It’s nice to meet you.”
Nice move Sam. You told her I think about her. Care to mention my wet dreams, too? Baxter groaned but not aloud.
Anna Marie still looked stunned though, which puzzled Baxter. “Hi. Baxter talks about you, too. I just wasn’t expecting…I mean…”
“Yeah, she’s a girl. I bet Baxter didn’t mention that.” Joel seemed amused as he gazed at the picture in front of them and chuckled too. He nudged Sam, who broke out into a big smile.
“No. No, he didn’t.”
Baxter hadn’t thought to mention it. “Oh, sorry.” He wasn’t sure why Anna Marie seemed so shocked about Sam being a girl. Course he remembered it had been a shocking fact to he and Joel at the convention where they’d met.
“That’s okay. We gamed together online for years, and she never mentioned it to me either.”
Sam rolled her eyes at Joel’s comment and shook her head. “It never came up.” She pointed to the picture. “I love this.”
“Yeah.” Baxter nodded.
“You game? With them?” Anna Marie moved backward just a bit to give someone else room who wanted to look at the picture of the Halo world.
Why did that bother her so much? She definitely had her own ideas about gaming. Maybe she thought they all lived in their mother’s basement, watching Star Trek between games and never held down a job? He’d have to work on that with her if that was case.
“Yep. I kick their asses a lot.” Sam laughed as she ran her arm through Joel’s.
“Not that often.” Joel leaned into Sam’s touch.
Baxter looked at Anna Marie who had moved further away from them. “I didn’t think women gamed that much.” Her mouth was still pursed into a frown.
“Didn’t used to.” Sam’s smile was grim. She’d lived that time period where she was often the only woman. “Things are changing.”
“For the better.” Joel leaned down and pressed a kiss on Sam’s lips.
That easy familiarity that they always had made Baxter’s stomach churn. He wanted to be that way with Anna Marie. One day. One day, he vowed. He was already on a date with her, something he never thought would happen. The rest would come.
“You ought to come over tomorrow night. We’re having a big gaming session. I’m bringing my X-box over, Joel and Baxter have theirs already. We could make a real gamer chick out of you.” Sam’s grin was huge.
Sam’s suggestion made Baxter twitch. He wasn’t sure this was the best opportunity to introduce Anna Marie to gaming. Not to mention he wanted time with her alone. Not…time with his buddies and her.
Someone came up and neither Anna Marie nor Sam brought it up again.
* * * *
When Baxter arrived at Anna Marie’s apartment, his hands bit into the steering wheel. He didn’t want to be too presumptuous and kiss her again. But damn that kiss the other day haunted him. Made him crazy and kept him awake at night.
“So…” He broke off and looked into the starry eyes of the woman sitting in the passenger seat.
“So…” She began and broke off looking into his face with her chin upturned a slight amount. She giggled.
He laughed along with her. “Guess we both think alike sometimes, huh?” If only she was thinking what he was right now. It would involve her inviting him in, but he didn’t think that was going to happen. Who knew though? Life was full of oddities.
“Sometimes. Maybe. I definitely don’t think computers like you do.” Her eyes were still shiny and her mouth looked kissable in the light from the streetlight outside her apartment. She didn’t have that lost look that she sometimes got when she put herself down.
“Well, I don’t think business like you do.” Though he probably needed to with the way things were going.
“Touché.” She reached over and touched his arms. Innocent gesture. Her touch was warm and kindled sparks in him that he didn’t know he had. His entire body felt as though it went up like tinder on a fire. “I had a nice time tonight.”
“Did you?” He shuddered as she kept her hand on his elbow. Even that innocuous place was turning him into mush.
“I did. I loved the art show and dinner was great.” She shifted forward in her seat. “It wasn’t what I expected.”
Was that good or bad? He wanted to go out with her again, so he’d pick good. Please let that be accurate. “I’m glad to hear that. Would you like to go out again tomorrow night?” He held his breath waiting for her answer.
She removed her hand from his arm and rubbed it with the other.
“I mean if you don’t already plans. Or a date. Or class.” Was he babbling? He didn’t usually but this was unusual circumstances.
“I don’t have plans.” She met his gaze. “But don’t you?”
“Huh?” He couldn’t figure out what she was talking about.
“Sam and Joel. She mentioned that you guys were gaming tomorrow night, didn’t she? She said she…was bringing her X-box over.”
Oh. “That.” He shrugged his shoulders. “It’s just to play this game that came out. They’ll understand if I have to duck out. Actually, they’ll probably like that.” They would because then they could play kissy face all night long. They tried to tone things down for his benefit.
“You shouldn’t bail on your friends.” Her face grew thoughtful, and almost crafty looking. “Is this at your apartment?”
He nodded. Dammit, how to convince her that he could take time for a date from his gaming schedule? “I don’t think they would mind…”
“Can I come?”
“…I mean it is… What did you say?” Had he heard her right?
“Sam invited me. Could I come over? Game with you and your friends. I wouldn’t distract you.” She touched his arm again and her mouth grew pouty. “I’ll stay out of the way.”
She’d distract him with her mere presence. “I…uh…” He’d never expected her to want to game.
“You could teach me to play whatever you’re playing.” Her hand moved on his arm, throwing his senses into a whirl. “Please, Baxter.”
Like he’d say no. Where did this desire to play video games come from? After all, she’d had ideas about gaming that had come out this evening and none of them were positive. “Okay, I guess.” He would have sounded more sure but her touch made him crazy.
“Yay!” Her face lit up into a smile that rivaled the biggest Christmas celebration. “It’ll be fun.” Her mouth parted.
An opportunity. One that he couldn’t help but take. He moved closer to her and propped his lips on hers.
A slight startled gasp met his ears. But that was all. Her hands actually drifted around him to run over his back.
She was the sweetest damn thing he’d ever tasted. Too good. He deepened the kiss, tasting all of her and making her respond to him.
He wasn’t gentle as his mouth explored her. He nipped her lips and made sure he took everything she offered and more.
His hand came down her neck, stroking and caressing her as it explored her as well. He reached her breast.
She started as his hand began to fondle her.
He felt her nipple pebble through her thin blouse. Her sweater must be unbuttoned. He strummed his thumb over it again and again.
Her body shivered as though she were in a deep freeze but the heat emanating from her roasted him.
He hardly noticed when she stiffened sud
denly but when her hand went to his chest and pushed him away, he paid attention. It was the hardest thing he’d ever done to pull away. But he wasn’t about to push her any further.
Her lips were swollen and red from his kissing. “I…need to go in.” She grabbed her stuff but seemed discombobulated.
He ran around the car to open her door before she did so herself. “I’ll walk you up to your door.”
“You don’t have to.” Her voice was sharp as a tack.
“I want to make sure you get home safely.” He didn’t give her a choice.
When they reached her door after walking in silence, her voice was back to normal. “Thanks for a great time. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She quickly opened the door but seemed to want to run inside and slam it behind her instead of talking.
“Do you want me to pick you up…” He got that out before the door shut in his face. It slowly opened up again
“No. I’ll come over.” She let out a wan smile. “Thanks Baxter.” The door did shut between them that time.
He stood staring at it for a few minutes. She’d run away from him. Why? Was he that reprehensible? With his hands in his pockets, he stalked back to his car.
For the first time in his life, he wanted to be more than a glorified code monkey. But that was a likely to happen as Darth Vader not turning to the dark side.
Chapter Five
Anna Marie turned over in the bed as she came awake. She pushed the hair away from her face. She’d sweated and was hot. She kicked off the blankets. Her body was humming with…pleasure. From the dream. The dream that had awakened her.
They’d been kissing in the dream. He’d been touching her breast. Much like he had when they’d been out earlier and she’d panicked.
Her eyes shut as she shivered. The feelings cascaded down her body in a waterfall of desire. She couldn’t think about anything but his touch.
It was bad.
Only she couldn’t remember why. She wanted more of his delicious hands touching her willing body.